Expand your workflow with Leica Reality Capture solutions

Take control of the process from data capture through to final design with a more efficient end-to-end workflow that delivers more for your clients. Leica Geosystems' leads the world with state-of-the-art reality capture solutions that enable you to create the most realistic digital designs.

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Leica Geosystems leads the world in reality capture technology, with a broad range of terrestrial and mobile laser scanners that deliver outstanding speed and the highest quality 3D data, with exceptional ease of use. Leica laser scanners are the ideal solution for reality capture tasks.


The All NEW Leica BLK360 creates stunning, photorealistic, and accurate digital twins of anything it captures within 20 seconds, with a patented VIS system that automatically registers your scans in the field. Whether conducting a survey or scouting a movie location, the new BLK360 puts serious scanning power in the palm of your hand.


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The  Leica RTC360 is fast, agile and precise with a supercharged workflow. Capturing 2 million points per second and full HDR imagery in less than a minute, it's the fastest laser scanner on the market.



Leica ScanStation  P40

The Leica ScanStation P40 is a high versatility scanner suitable for a wide range of typical scanning solutions. With its optimal mix of speed, range and accuracy paired with unmatched robustness it is the all-in-one solution for the most comprehensive variety of applications.



BLK2GO (400 x 253 px)

The Leica BLK2GO is a handheld mobile laser scanner that creates colourised 3D point cloud data while you walk through a space. It uses advanced GrandSLAM technology to match together different scenes as you walk, drastically reducing data post processing speeds.




The Leica BLKARC is an autonomous laser scanning module for robots. It is designed to be integrated with robotic carriers to enable autonomous mobile laser scanning with minimal or no human intervention. Together, they deliver fully autonomous and repeatable scan missions to capture 3D point clouds and panoramic imagery.


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The Leica BLK2FLY is an autonomous flying laser scanner with advanced obstacle avoidance for easy reality capture from the sky. It captures building exteriors, structures, and environments to create 3D point clouds while flying.

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Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 is all about speed and simplicity, while maintaining scalability and robust point cloud QA/QC procedures

Cyclone REGISTER 360 empowers users of any skill level to work smarter, deliver results more accurately, visualize in more detail and collaborate more effectively – placing the user at the center of their project.


    Drag, Drop, Done. From project creation to final reporting, project completion is significantly faster thanks to multithreaded batch routines, one-step import and processing, guided workflows, built-in QA/QC tools and automated reporting to save significant time and guess-work while delivering higher productivity.


    Cyclone REGISTER 360 handles even the most challenging of projects with ease and takes the headache out of complex workflows. New users can execute large projects, scaling to your needs, thanks to the simple-yet-powerful interface.


    Deliver professional-level project deliverables with ease. Cyclone REGISTER 360 provides guided registration workflows to assist new users and speed the process for experienced users. Intuitive QA tools and reporting take the guesswork out of your registration quality and put all the information you need at your fingertips. Batch export your final products to a range of formats and programs and even push live data to the cloud for global collaboration with the click of a button. Cyclone REGISTER 360 now supports publishing of Leica Geosystems universal digital reality file, the LGS file, for simple downstream use in TruView, JetStream and CloudWorx.

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Reality Cloud Studio is an easy-to-use reality capture cloud software solution to seamlessly connect people, projects, and reality capture data. Unleash the potential of your reality capture data and foster collaboration by sharing, visualising, and using digital reality data directly in the cloud.

Reality Cloud Studio features:

  • Accessibility – Reality Cloud Studio creates two kinds of accessibility within the reality capture market. First, by being a cloud-based collaboration platform that allows anyone, anywhere with connection to the internet and browser to access reality capture projects – be it on their phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. It’s accessible. Second, by lowering the entry barrier for reality capture by providing a solution that has a low cost of entry while being heavily automated for ultimate usability. Making reality capture data processing and management more realistic for many more users.
  • Automation – Reality Cloud Studio, takes complex and time-intensive processes like registration and meshing and simplifies them for all users.
  • Connectivity – Reality Cloud Studio is all about connectivity. It connects the field sensors and users to the cloud and connects the cloud to the office/desktop. It connects team members and stakeholders in a visually immersive, user-friendly UI, enriched with collaboration-specific features like comments, GeoTags, link sharing, and more. 
  • Compatibility – Reality Cloud Studio is agnostic. Users can upload data captured by any sensor if it can be provided in one of multiple industry-standard formats. And supported formats will continue to grow over time.
  • Security – Every user account has a permission-based role within the Organisation Account and a permission-based role for every project they are assigned to. These roles dictate what they can do, including if they can edit or share data. Users can ensure the people accessing a project are the ones they want and trust.
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Reality Cloud Studio is agnostic. Users can upload data captured by any sensor if it can be provided in one of multiple industry-standard formats such as:

  • Leica Cyclone 3DR
  • CloudWorx for Autodesk products
  • CloudWorx for Revit
  • CloudWorx for Navisworks
  • CloudWorx for Bentley
  • CloudWorx for BricsCAD
  • CloudWorx for SOLIDWORKS

By leveraging the cloud and advanced technologies, Reality Cloud Studio is transforming how professionals work with reality capture data across various industries, including construction, architecture, engineering, and more.

Global Survey Training Academy 

Learn from the local experts - Boost your knowledge as you learn from our expert Reality Capture team of qualified instructors with technical training courses designed to deliver professional development and key industry skills.

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Indent Triangle 20x20 No background (2) REALITY CAPTURE TRAINING COURSES

Reality capture is a growing market and requires a high level of technical expertise. Join our expert instructors on one of our courses and take your knowledge to the next level. Alternatively talk to us about customised training for you and your team.

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Customer Stories
Otago university  (600 × 300 px)

Leica BLK2GO gives new view of buildings at University of Otago

The University of Otago is using the Leica BLK2GO to radically increase the accuracy and detail of information on 800-plus buildings that cover almost 222,000 square metres. "With a large portfolio of deferred maintenance and a limited budget to address that in the short term, applications such as this, provide improved data for better decision making and planning”

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context (600 × 300 px)

Context Architects secure first Leica BLK2GO in NZ!

Context Architects are not your ordinary architecture firm, their 70-strong team of architects, urban, interiors/retail designers and remediation specialists are passionate about the power of good design to lift people’s lives. The Leica BLK2GO fits perfectly into their already well-established digital offering.

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VITRUVIUS (600 × 300 px)

Vitruvius utilise Leica Laser Scanning Technology for Northland’s Rail Upgrade

Read how Vitruvius utilised the Leica P40 Scanstation  to capture highly accurate point cloud data of bridges, tunnel interiors, portals, and the rails themselves. With many assets nearing their ‘end of life’ and requiring replacement a spatial assessment of 13 tunnels and 6 bridges was required to determine their clearances and structural integrity.

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Maritime (600 × 300 px)

Digitally Preserving NZ’s Maritime History with the Leica RTC360

Few structures are more complex or intricate than maritime vessels, so when our Christchurch team saw the historic Tug Lyttelton, they knew it was the perfect worthwhile community project to get involved in. "The speed of the RTC360 scanner gave us the luxury to capture more than enough overlapping data to create a comprehensive and robust registered point cloud. In this case we captured almost 1 billion points over 120 scans”

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Autonomy & Reality Capture Hub NZ

This group is a central place to unite with reality capture users in New Zealand. You might be a professional working in Surveying, Digital Construction, 3D scanning, BIM or a related field. No matter what your expertise level, ARCH NZ is a place where you can connect with other professionals and continue to learn and develop your skills.

By joining ARCH NZ, you'll gain access to:

  • Regular webinars that take a deep dive into workflows and real NZ data
  • Group training sessions focused on skill development 
  • Regular networking with the ARCH NZ community
  • Members of ARCH NZ also benefit from priority access to the Global Survey Reality Capture specialist team and exclusive updates from Leica product specialists and developers.

Apply for free membership

Apply here if you're keen to join us:


We're with you every step of the way

Our specialist Reality Capture team work alongside our customers as technical partners, able to provide indepth advice and training on hardware, software and workflows. Reach out to them for help with any curly questions or challenges.


Bruce Robinson


027 229 9330 

Lennon 400 x 400

Lennon Bedford

Technical Specialist

027 455 3422


Kirsty 400 x 400 staff

Kirsty Mackie

Reality Capture and Autonomous Survey BDM

021 432 947

Let's Talk

We're here to answer all your Reality Capture questions, contact us to start the conversation.